About Us
The Fairfax County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association (FCVFRA) is a partnership of 12 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Fairfax County. Volunteers in the 12 departments are full partners with the career staff of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, providing emergency services in and around Fairfax County.
Operational volunteers are trained to the same standards as career personnel and are involved in all aspects of the fire and rescue services: staffing ambulances and fire suppression vehicles in emergency situations, serving as EMTs and paramedics, participating in domestic and international urban search and rescue, providing public service in demanding times, and encouraging fire prevention activities.
As independent, nonprofit organizations, the volunteer departments own and/or operate in 15 of the 37 fire stations in Fairfax County. Volunteers are very active in the fundraising, community relations, and business operations of these organizations.
Fire Corps
Fire Corps is one of five partner programs under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Citizen Corps program. Fire Corps is a locally-driven Citizen Corps program which enables community members to offer their time and talents to their local fire/EMS department in a non-emergency capacity. The Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department is a Fire Corps member. Additionally, the Burke, Dunn-Loring, Fair Oaks, Greater Springfield, and Vienna departments are also independently registered under Fire Corps. The contact for the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department Fire Corps program is Jeffrey Katz, Volunteer Liaison, jeffrey.katz@fairfaxcounty.gov.